Within the next week or so Through The Flames will be pulled from shelves and online stores. I was informed today that Olympia Publishers will be relinquishing all rights back to me effective immediately. This comes days before the second anniversary of publication, which saddens me. While our relationship did not produce the results I wanted, I do wish to speak I'll or to blame Olympia Publishers for the books lack of success. It is as much my fault for not understanding how to market and promote as it is their lack of marketing and promotion. Olympia Publishers held up the letter of the contract and for that I am thankful. The reviews I received for the book were wonderful and I can only expect that when it is published again with proper marketing and promotion, from the United States instead of England, it will see much more success.
If you wish to purchase a copy before they are removed please go to the store here on my website. This is not the end, just a change in direction.